Get Involved as a Retiree


2025 Save the Dates

Retirees Lunch- May 28, June 25, July 23, No August Lunch, September 24, October 22

Local 189 Picnic- August 23 Lazy River at Granville

Awards Banquet- TBD

Christmas Party- December 14 Meeting Hall

Just because they are retired does not mean that our retiree's have forgotten what it's like to get involved and be heard. Some of our people are involved with retiree's groups at the local, state, and national levels.

Our Local 189 retiree's meet once a month in the meeting hall on the 4th Wednesday of each month, May-October, and they eat at Noon. Come and join us for fun and camaraderie.

Card players needed! Every Wednesday at noon the Retirees are getting together to play some cards and catch up on old times, so come on down and join in.

If you have any questions, just give us a call. (614) 486-2912

Wrench fixing pipe