About Us

Dedicated to Plumbers & Pipefitters in Columbus, OH For Over 120 Years

Our great union has been here in Columbus, Ohio for over 100 years. Local Union 189 is a proud organization whose purpose is to serve those who toil in the plumbing and mechanical piping industry. We take great pride in our Apprentice and Journeyman training to provide the best craftsmanship money can buy. Along with our MCACO Mechanical Contractors we have forged a partnership to build a strong and viable Plumbing and Piping Industry in Central Ohio.

How We Got Here

The Plumbers local union No. 5180 of the A.F.L. was formed November 15, 1889, at Columbus, Ohio. Ten years later, on July 17, 1899, at Columbus, Ohio, a group of plumbers, 28 to be exact, assembled and organized for the purpose of making better working conditions for their Industry.

Martin Stai was elected President and Michael Ginley Secretary.

On the 20th of November, 21 members had their initiation fee paid and applied for a charter.

The United Association of Journeyman Plumbers, Gas Fitters, Steam Fitters and Steam Fitter Helpers of the United States and Canada, issued a Charter on December 9, 1899.

The 15th day of January 1900, Local 189 of Journeyman Plumber came into being, for some unknown reason, there were only 19 Charter members present for initiation. The territory of Local Union 10. 189 covered only Franklin County.

On August 20, 1900, a motion was passed that Local 189 approve of the Gas and Steam Fitters to petition for its own charter.

Local 216 then came into existence and was known as Gas and Steam Fitters Local Union 216.

During the Depression of 1929, it became necessary to merge both organizations.

April 2, 1929, Local 216 cleared into Local 189.

Today, over 120 years of organization, the total membership is 1821 members. Our territory covers Delaware, Fairfield, Franklin, Hocking, Marion, Pickaway, Ross, Union, Madison, Perry, and Licking Counties; a total of eleven (11) counties.